Great NA Links & Life Quotes

Quotes for Success

For Every Day Life Situations

"Don't worry about the haters... It's because your successful"

"Always tell the truth, you can't go wrong"

"It is ok to say no" 

"It is ok to admit you need help when you do"

"The past does not equal the future" 

"Bad judgement is what gets most people in trouble
It's the choices they make" 

"We all know the difference between right and wrong
It's what we choose to do that makes the difference... judgment"

For People That Don't Tell The Truth

"When you don't tell the truth and tell lies you have to tell more lies to keep it up. Eventually the lies will not add up and the truth will come out"

"Leaving something out is the same as not telling the truth"

"Just because you told me or advised me of something you did, that does not absolve you of all responsibility and consequences, nor does it put it on me now" 

How Do You Treat People At Work Every Day?

"Treat everyone the same, all employees have the same value, no one is more important than the other, they just all have different jobs from the intern all the way to the Chief"

"We are all the same, I am not better than anyone else"

"Let the people below you do their jobs, they are empowered and will grow"

"Let's talk more about you, not me"

"Do I know something special about each person that works for me?
Do I take the time to find out from them or am I stuck behind my desk?"

On Making Mistakes

"We all make mistakes and we will make more mistakes, accept that
It is how we learn from those mistakes that makes the difference"

"When you make a mistake own up to it, don't lie"
(see: For People That Don't Tell The Truth)

"Take a day to send that email first or post that social media message
Once you press send you can't take it back"

At Home

"I want to let you know what happened on the job today and how it made me feel" 
Thank you for this one Trooper Bobby! 

"You can balance your job and family if you practice time management
take a course, you will learn something!"

"You can't get back the time when you missed your kids growing up because you chose work over them" Thanks again Trooper Bobby! 

"What else do I have in my life besides my job?
What will be there when the job is over?"

"Do I have other friends in my life besides all cops?"

Links to other great NA Sites & Blogs

The FBI's Official About The NA Page

FBI National Academy Associates

FBI Agent's .EDU site - Academy Info

FBI NA Facebook Page

James Carlino's NA Blog

David Center's NA Blog

Heiko Tesch's NA Blog - Germany